Distributed Heterogeneous Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Book Recommendation

Research Motivation

Suggested Model

Distributed Heterogeneous Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Book Recommendation

  1. Train M x N size data with RBM (M: Number of Users, N: Number of Items)
  2. Obtain latent feature of each user from RBM’s hidden vector
  3. Using the latent features from ②, cluster users to 3 groups with K-means clustering algorithm
  4. Additionally train the pretrained RBM with the data of each group → obtain 3 heterogeneous RBMs specialized to each group

    Using the 3 heterogeneous RBMs, ensemble the outputs to provide more personalized recommendation to users

Experimentation Data

Comparison of Different Ensemble Methods of Heterogeneous RBM outputs


Comparison to Baseline Recommendation Methods


Comparison to Single RBM Model




 Future Work