Pattern Classification Model of Traffic Data including Missing Values

Research Motivation

Problems with Time Series Sensor Data

  1. Missing values due to troubles in transmission and sensor defects
    → Needs proper processing before analysis

  2. Requires time until meaningful amount of data is collected
    → Needs to accurately analyze small amount of data

  3. Physical restrictions that put locational constraint of the sensors
    → Needs to analyze data that is affected by other variables

Suggested Model

Pattern Classification Model based on Attention Mechanism and CNN for Analysis of Traffic Data including Missing Values

  1. Attention Mechanism
    Added an attention mechanism to focus on important entries in data
    Produces weights for each entries in data with an additional meta data input of whether each entry is missing

  2. Deep model structure of CNN and Feed Forward layers
    Used deep model structure of CNN and Feed Forward layers to accurately classify minor pattern differences

Experimentation Data


Classification Result of Traffic Loop Time Series Data


Classification Result on Additional Traffic Data




 Future Work